Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bon Voyage

Quick update before I leave on my road trip to Miami to take a cruise to the Bahamas over the weekend. :)

I interviewed with my old hospital last week. The manager (who is someone I helped train when he became a nurse) said he would love to have me back. That was last Wednesday. He called on Monday asking if I wanted full time or Baylor (weekends only option). I told him I preferred Baylor. He said he was hoping full time. I ended up telling him I could be flexible & do full time if that was what he needed. He said he had to talk to "them" & would be in touch. I haven't heard a word since. I don't know who "them" is either. Oh well, whatever is meant to be will happen.

And wouldn't you know it...the last 2 weeks at my current job have been really good. Figures!

Anywaysssssss....taking a much needed vacation with my two best friends. We have never done this before. I defintely need it! Bon Voyage everyone!


Amanda said...

Have an amazing vacation. I'm sure everything with work will end up exactly how it is supposed to :)

Unknown said...

enjoy the vacation and good luck with getting back to the old job. One of the reasons i keep thinking i should stay where i am. Never greener on the other side...or so i hear.