Saturday, June 19, 2010

Close Call

Word of advice to my fellow nurses...please, please, please think before giving hypertensive medications. For some reason, the dayshift nurse felt it appropriate to give Atenolol and Lisinopril to a patient with a BP of approx 92/45. NOT A GOOD IDEA! I had him by the time the meds kicked in with a BP of 62/38. Being an experienced nurse, I knew that a bolus was necessary & got the intervention started quickly.....I don't even want to imagine what the alternative might have been.

Work is going pretty well. I just celebrated my 1 yr anniv at this hospital I switched over to. It went by quickly. I also get a raise this month...sweet.

It has been outrageously hot & humid this month. We're talking like 99 degrees, but with the heat index...more like 105. Ugh. Too hot for me.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Welcome back!!! Glad that you were able to handle the BP before the patient tanked out on you!
Congrats on your 1 year--it certainly went by quick!!!!