Monday, April 23, 2012


I have been working on my house & moving furniture.  As a result, I really messed up my  lower back.  I have called out on 3 shifts...which I hate doing, but the first two shifts....I could barely walk from my bed to the bathroom.  And I feel better tonight (a week later), but I have hardly been out of wasn't sure I would be able to handle 12 hours of moving around.  I'll go in tomorrow.  I have pain medicine and muscle relaxers which are helping tremendously.  I am convinced now that I have got to lose some weight & also find some exercises that strengthen my back.  I'm also convinced this is a result of being a nurse & not having tech help.  I'm physically exhausted after working.  Hopefully I'll be ok tomorrow night.  I have like 10 days off until my next shift.

On a somewhat brighter note, my old hospital called on Friday.  I swear it feels like  I didn't answer, but she left a message saying she wanted to give me the latest status update.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad.  I'll call tomorrow.  I wanted to be sure I could actually move around like a normal person just in case they wanted me to come in for another interview.  And as of Friday, I wasn't convinced I'd be feeling better.  I really do want to come back to this hospital.  I'll be taking a pay cut, but the work won't be so physically demanding either, since they do have techs.  And I'll only be 5 miles away from work as opposed to 25 miles.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Speaking of losing weight, I started Weight Watchers on April 1st.  I've lost 11 lbs.  I have yet to exercise - didn't want to shock my body as I changed my eating habits.  As soon as my back allows, I will be walking & doing some cardio work-outs.  I have a lot to lose, but right now my short-term goal is 30 lbs by June 1st.  I'll re-evaluate once I reach that goal.  :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

:( Sorry about your back. I am positive work isn't helping it any!
I really hope everything works out with your old hospital and you can slide rack back in.
And way to go with WEight Watchers. I know tons of people who swear by it!